March 28, 2018 1 min read
Thank you to everyone that donated to Operation Easter Basket 2018! This marked the 6th year for the event, and it was a smashing success! We received more than 700 baskets for children in need from generous members of the community. We were able to distribute more than 400 baskets at our annual event, with the rest going to needy kids in rural Nevada. The families in attendance were treated to a pancake breakfast, lots of fun carnival games and activities, and a visit from the Easter Bunny!
Many of the children who attend this event are used to going without gifts throughout the year as their parents work hard to put food on the table and just make ends meet. It is because of the generosity of our community that we are able to make Easter a bit brighter for these children. We could not do it without you, and cannot wait until next year's event!