Established in 1995, St. Vincent’s Food Pantry is the largest food distribution pantry in the state of Nevada. Annually, St. Vincent’s Food Pantry distributes over 300,000 boxes of food for families in need. Our clients are primarily working-class families who own or rent a home or apartment, but who just do not have enough income to cover all of their expenses.
St. Vincent’s Food Pantry At A Glance
• On average we distribute more than 6 million pounds of food free of charge through our pantry and partner pantries in 16 of Nevada's 17 counties.
• We serve an average of 15,000 people in our pantry each month.
• To maximize our food-buying ability, our program operates with few staff members and dozens of dedicated volunteers.
• St. Vincent's Food Pantry is proud to partner with the Food Bank of Northern Nevada to address hunger in our region.
St. Vincent’s Food Pantry provides food to those in need:
•Our monthly "supplemental food bag" program provides a substantial amount of food once a month per family based on family size. (i.e., a family of four receives about twice the amount of food that a family of 2 receives.
• We also offer free supplemental pet food
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm
For more information about Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada’s St. Vincent’s Food Pantry SNAP Enrollment please call (775) 491-8946 today.
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